A Plea to Weather Presenters

Presenters should strengthen the link between extreme weather events and climate change.
The Time Value of Emissions Should Be a Thing
We should agree that a unit of carbon emissions today is worse than the same unit of carbon emissions in the future, especially the distant future. This is true for several reasons: So, from a variety of perspectives, it’s better to emit in the future than to emit today. If you had to choose between […]
We should all fight our prejudices
At Climate Week San Francisco last week my colleagues met lots of people interested in fighting rapid climate change through Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). The interested parties included CDR investors, CDR buyers, CDR-supporting governments, CDR pundits, CDR scientists and members of the general public. They all want to do good for the planet, but are […]
Global Warming Potential is more important than you think
Hmmm… Global Warming Potential (GWP). Time Value of Money (TVM). Whaddya talking about? This is torture. All these acronyms involve math! We hates ‘em! These two concepts are really important though, and if you have any interest in fighting climate change, you’ll want to understand them both, or at least the general idea. One […]
What’s the Difference Between a Calorie and CO2?

Just about everything about calories and CO2 are different, except they are both measures of something. A calorie is a unit of of energy, and CO2 is a molecule. On the other hand, there are some similarities: I’ve never seen or touched a calorie, and I haven’t seen or touched a pound of CO2. In […]